Take Your Karate To The Next Level
Learn the art of self defence and self-improvement
Wherever you are in the world, and whatever your karate style or rank, you are invited to learn directly from one of the leading exponents of traditional karate – Hanshi Deena Naidu. He believes that through the engagement of Goshin Kan karate and an understanding of its values and history, students effectively protect themselves, improve their lives and contribute to the betterment of their homes, community and society.
We look forward to you joining the Goshin Kan international family.
All of us who have been fortunate enough to have learnt from Hanshi Deena Naidu – online or in person – know what an exceptional person and deeply knowledgeable teacher he is.
In February 2021, this was acknowledged by the formal and honourable recognition of his achievements by Grand Masters Constantino Ceberano 10th Dan, Saiko Shihan of Kokusai Goju Kobujutsu Kenkyukai, and Hiroshi Fujimoto 9th Dan, Kancho of Inyo-ryu Kenpo Karate Jutsudo.
They have awarded Hanshi 9th Degree Kudan level.
The certificate reads in part: Mr Naidu, the Headmaster of the Karatedo Goshinkan Jun Goju-kai has trained assiduously in Japanese karate for many years, he is of excellent character, his technique is strong and he has made notable contributions to the development of budo.
To see a recording of the presentation go to Hanshi’s Facebook page – click here.
For a deeper understanding of Karate, Human Values, Keihatsu, Spirituality and everyday life – click here.
Keihatsu means Enlightenment.
At one time, mental and spiritual training were key parts of every karateka’s development.
These teachings have diminished over the years and there are few teachers left in the world with the knowledge necessary to show their students the path from karateka to budoka.
Hanshi Deena Naidu is committed to reinstating Keihatsu into the karate world.
Find out more by going to our Keihatsu page. You can buy the eBook from Amazon or the printed book direct from us.
by Hanshi Deena Naidu
Learn what it means to be a spiritual warrior
Click here to buy eBook
Call +61 430 302 446 to buy printed copy A$39.95 +p&p
Goshin Kan karate grading system
Students of any age, experience and style are welcome to learn and grade in our system.
Syllabuses for each level are being finalised and will be available soon. Each syllabus will have specific lessons supported by videos and documentation where required. The content of each syllabus builds on the one before.
Students must grade successfully in order to purchase and access the next grading syllabus.
If you are a senior grade/teacher already, contact us with details of your style, training and teacher/head of school information in order to be reviewed within the Goshin Kan system. We have many teachers and students who started their karate in different styles.
Integrity of gradings will be monitored by Hanshi Deena Naidu. He will authorise in-country teachers suitable to grade students in the Goshin Kan system. If there is no suitable in-country teacher, online grading will be arranged.
The grading path to Black Belt
White Belt
Red Belt
Yellow Belt
Orange Belt
Green Belt
Blue Belt
Purple Belt 5th Kyu
Purple Belt 4th Kyu
Purple Belt 3rd Kyu
Purple Belt 2nd Kyu
Purple Belt 1st Kyu
Preparation for Black Belt 1st Dan
Brown Belt Assessment 1
Brown Belt Assessment 2
Brown Belt Assessment 3
Shodan O
Shodan full grade
The karate world is moving from I the spirit to I the ego. As generations pass nothing of the old will be retained. I am now sharing many things about traditional karate that today’s teachers and students have not heard about. Goshin Kan retains the teachings of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei so it can be used solely for the purpose of self preservation – protecting the body, self discipline of the mind, and enlightenment of the spirit.
Hanshi Deena Naidu is a direct student of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei. He was the 6th person in the world to graduate from the Japan karate-do Goju-kai college in 1976 with a Japanese government recognised certification.
Hanshi teaches at Goshin Kan dojos in Sydney Australia, and travels to India, South Africa, Botswana and Kenya to meet and teach his teachers and students there, guiding them inbetween visits with personal, tailored online tuition.
As the number of karate practitioners from other countries reaching out to Hanshi for information has steadily increased, he has established this website to make his knowledge more accessible to students and teachers of all levels, wherever in the world they may be.
Traditional Goshin Kan karate encourages non-violence, promotes good health, resolves conflicts through peace, never encourages growth of the ego and avoids individual and group competitions.
It is unchangeable, moves in harmony with life and does not have platform masters leading, just servants working to serve as mentors leading the way. Its intention is to respect the masters of the past, embrace the ones in the present, and develop new leaders for the future. It is an art of truth, love, peace, right conduct and non-violence.
Not ready to buy a subscription but want to know what’s going on?
Send us an email and we’ll keep you informed about our Online Learning videos and tutorials.
We look forward to hearing from you.
A student of Goshin Kan Karate
I’ve been actively training and studying Karate for 46 years. I’ve learned more from you in the short time we’ve become friends, you mentoring me and teaching me, than all that time in diligent study. Hanshi, you exemplify love. You freely give of yourself and your knowledge. You go to great lengths to make sure I understand. I am grateful. One may ask, “How is this possible?” That’s easy. First most martial artists’ ego is so inflated that their teachings become more about themselves instead of motivating and inspiring their students in an uplifting manner. Second, all they know is the physical component of their art and 9 times out of 10, that’s geared towards sports. They are more concerned with learning numerous Kata, than they are in truly analyzing it and thoroughly understanding its bunkai. All kata has become today is Martial Ballet!! Looks great yet clueless as to what they are doing. I’m one of the 20%. I am looking for other 20% for I will continue to carry your torch of ‘authentic traditional’ Karate.” Oneigashimasu!